Treating C++ like it was Javascript
by Jonas Minnberg –
In this article I will briefly describe a technique that allows you to program C++ in a way that is more similar to dynamic or functional languages such as python or javascript.
I assume you know C++, and have at least read up on the new C++11 features – at least the new shared_ptr as well as lambda functions.
It requires that you write your classes in a certain way, and makes the most sense when you have a clear division between the client code that is written to accomplish a specific task, and the API of generic classes and functions that the client code uses.
More specifically, by designing your API using these techniques, the client code using the API can be written by programmers that are more familiar with higher level languages, and without managing many of the complexities inherent to C++.
What follows are essentially a description of the three ingredients needed:
Our first step is to make sure the user does not need to use new or delete, and also not make the distinction of accessing objects by reference or by value;
This is accomplished by designing all your classes so that passing them to a function by value will internally work as though it was passed by reference. The way you would normally do this is letting your class act as a wrapper for an internal class, which is referenced using a shared_ptr.
This means the class is small when seen as a value, and even when it is copied, the copy will reference the same state through the shared_ptr.
Here is an example;
struct bitmap {
bitmap(int w, int h) :
w(w), h(h), pixels(make_shared<vector<uint8_t>>(w*h)) {
uint8_t& operator[](const int &i) {
return (*pixels)[i];
const int w;
const int h;
shared_ptr<vector<uint8_t>> pixels;
void fill(bitmap bm, uint32_t color) {
for(int i=0; i<bm.w*bm.h; i++)
bm[i] = color;
bitmap myBitmap;
fill(myBitmap, 0x33);
Notice that our bitmap will also not leak memory and basically works like objects in a garbage collected language such as python.
Our by-value classes means we can now treat lambdas as closures. By this I mean that variables captured by a lambda function will be retained, even if the variables captured goes out of scope.
function<bitmap()> fractalGenerator(int w, int h) {
bitmap bm(w,h);
return [=]() mutable -> bitmap {
for(int y=0; y<h; y++)
for(int x=0; x<w; x++)
bm[x+y*w] = someFunction(x,y);
return bm;
The lambda captures by value (the [=]
clause) and thus creates a member variable
that (as shown earlier) references the same pixels. So fractalGenerator()
a function that can later be called to fill the bitmap.
NOTE: Lambdas does not capture class members by value, it will always only catch this. If you want to access members inside a lambda you need to make a copy first:
struct MyClass {
bitmap bm;
function<bitmap()> fractalGenerator(int w, int h) {
auto bmCopy = bm; // <- Note!
return [=]() mutable -> bitmap {
for(int y=0; y<h; y++)
for(int x=0; x<w; x++)
bmCopy[x+y*w] = someFunction(x,y);
return bmCopy;
The final piece of the puzzle is this; we need to design our program so that it reacts to events instead of running a main loop that does all the work.
This is what you need to do anyway if you want to compile to a javascript target (using emscripten), or if you use a third-party library that requires it, such as GLUT.
This means that instead of this:
int main() {
bitmap logo = load_png("data/logo.png");
while(screen.is_open()) {
return 0;
you do something like this:
int main() {
Bitmap logo = load_png("data/logo.png");
screen.render_loop([=]() {
return 0;
In this second version we create a lambda that will be executed regularly by our screen
This will happen after main()
has exited, but this is not a problem since our bitmap is
captured by the lambda and will outlive the scope in which it was originally created.
While this can seem a bit restricting, it does give you one huge advantage, you can let the user program using a single threaded model, which means his callbacks will always be called in the same thread as thread as they were created.
This means you can do safely do things like this:
auto player = MusicPlayer::fromFile("data/dna-dream.mod"));
AudioPlayer audioPlayer([=](uint16_t *target, int len) {
player.getSamples(target, len);
Here we create an AudioPlayer
that takes a function to call every time it needs new samples.
Normally, such a callback needs to take place from a different thread, but since we control
the render loop we can make sure the callback is called in between calls to the render loop,
and so in the same thread as the render loop.
Together with our by value classes and C++11 lambdas, this allows us to use callbacks in a very powerful way. Here is another example;
my_string title = "Initial text";
webGetter.getData("http://localhost/getTitle", [=](string result) {
title = result;
screen.render_loop([=]() mutable {
screen.text(0,0, title);
In both these examples, the lambda will be called at a later, unknown time – but its still safe for it to reference variables captured by the scope.
Note that in the last example, we require a string class that was designed by value as described above. If we don’t provide such a string class, we need to revert to using a shared_ptr directly.
auto title = make_shared<string>("Initial text");
webGetter.getData(myUrl, [=](string result) {
*title = result;
screen.render_loop([=]() mutable {
screen.text(0, 0, *title);